From the beginning, I have really enjoyed this project. At first, creating the story and developing characters I found quite difficult and it was hard to come up with a solid idea to carry on the project with. Receiving feedback and discussing with other course mates really helped to refine my idea and for me to understand my prompts and concept much more.

I started my character design quite early on as it helped me to identify the environment and style much easier for my story. I also decided to spent more time with the design of Felix's character, as I wanted him to portray a lot of personally and present a unique style. As I chose to show one of my prompts through his glasses, I also had to consider the design of them. This was the part of the project which I enjoyed the most, really diving deep into a characters design and forming a complete finished character. By doing this I was also able to understand him more therefore, making the animatic's shots much easier to construct.

One thing in the project which I wish I had spent more time on was the sound design for the animatic and Pre-Vis, as I just chose one piece of music to run in the background. Although there was a change in the pace and rhythm in the piece which suited the animatic, it would have been nicer and more effective to include certain sounds effects. It seemed really flat in places, and needed some sound effects to boost the emotion and action which was happening on the screen. This is due to me leaving the sound design to the end and prioritising other things with the project, therefore if I had put more thought and preparation into it, it would helped the film rather than just be there because it had to.

Overall, I really enjoyed creating my own story and animatic, I have also learned a lot about story making and character design throughout the project.


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