For the project 'From Script to Screen' we were assigned three key elements which we have to create and compose a short story for. These three included a character, a location and a prop. We have to produce concept art for each of these elements, and link them together through a short animatic. I was given; a child prodigy, a restaurant and a magnifying glass. I started by brainstorming and exploring each of these terms, and how they can create some interest story concepts. 


  1. Hey Liv... just passing by to drop some ideas inspired by your maps...

    We talked already about the slightly tragic element to a lot of 'clever kid' stories - where they burn out and don't end up flourishing or 'surviving' their talent. I did think about a former child-prodigy (scientist/chemist) ending up as a food hygiene inspector in restaurants, examining their nooks and crannies for bacteria etc... and somehow his knowledge of chemistry saving the day somehow... so it's like he goes into kitchens in this boring, bureaucratic capacity, but while he/she is in there, he mixes ingredients together in new and extraordinary ways (because he can't help it somehow?).

    When I think about your magnifying glass, I'm also reminded of 'cruel kids' using them to burn ants out in the garden... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w0pUJxLqkI. Maybe, in a much darker turn of events, you tell a story about a rather nasty little boy who likes to dissect animals and insects, but who, in a classic revenge tale, ends up on the 'menu' of the animal restaurant...

    There's something in that birthday idea too... so maybe your child prodigy is part of this upper-class family who are very stiff and do everything really formally - so the little boy/girl dreams of a party with balloons and cake and lots of friends, but instead he gets taken every year to the same really post, uptight restaurant; and maybe he dreams of being given silly toys, not sensible toys - he just wants to be a kid - and then on this birthday, when he's given the magnifying glass (last year it was a microscope, the year before that a piano...), it's the final straw and somehow he uses the magnifying glass to create some kind of change - he escapes somehow?


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