This project has taught me a lot about how sound designing and editing works. At first I thought it was going to quite straight forward however I soon realised that recording your own sound was hard. The images I received were very mixed in their colour choice and pattern, therefore I wanted to make sure that they sounded significantly different. I struggled with the third image a lot more than I did the other two. I struggled to visualise what sounds it would make, but after creating and experimenting with the other two I became more confident in the recording and editing process.

One thing I have learnt from this project is that going out into different locations and environments really help you build up a more unique sound collection. I also discovered sounds which I never would have if I had stayed indoors. The problem with recording outside is that there may be other noises which you can't control, and therefore have to take out in the editing process.

However, overall I have really enjoyed this project and found it interesting to see how layering sounds and editing them can really create effective sound pieces.

Location 1

Location 2 


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