
  1. Hey Liv - I'm impressed by your commitment to the data here - and I think Claire would be impressed too! I guess now you're looking for that additional idea by which to ping the data into a format that will appeal to young people. I was looking at the idea of crude oil being sorted out into its different uses/guises via that 'cylinder' - and I starting thinking about 'sorting hats' and Harry Potter - just in so much as a sort of lump of raw material enters in one end (first years!) and then sorted into different houses or specialisms. I was thinking too of the idea of that cylinder being like a changing room - or a make-over - so 'crude' oil goes in and then the doors open and 'ta da!' some other (better) version pops out of the other side - in this sense I was reminded of the moment in the grad film, Stellar! - when the ordinary actress is made-over into the pin-up:

    I was thinking too about crude oil attending a 'careers event' - where it's given the opportunity to become something else when it has been 'refined' (educated/trained?) - so you could have the crude oil as little amateurs or little kids dreaming of their grown-up jobs. Anyway - there's something about the idea of that crude oil entering some kind of transformative environment and being sorted into different specialisms which does feel very 'character-based' and even school-like - I mean, I'm watching the Umbrella Academy on Netflix at the moment, and I suppose any of those narratives in which a raw energy has to be 'schooled' to develop its specialist 'power' (the school run by Professor Xaiver in the X-Men, for example) would be a good fit for re-framing crude oil in a suitably pop-culture way...


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