
  1. OGR 13/03/2019

    Hey Liv - that last page of your OGR made me smile instantly - I think this is the way forward. A couple of things to think about - at the moment, you've got the concept of the big cylinder and personifying crude oil as little characters that will have their outcomes changed by the application of different temperatures. I still think you need an over-arching concept by which to understand everything else; an example of what I mean; let's imagine that you're thinking about 'how' the information is going to be given away to the audience - i.e. a voice-over - and also that you need to think about the project's visual concept over and above what the big cylinder actually looks like... so, let's imagine that you decide to align this process with a sort of 'health farm' idea... so you go in 'raw' and depending on what 'body' you want, you go to a different floor and undertake a different process; if you do this, you can add another layer of design onto everything and add some comedy too... You could have a narrator saying stuff to the crude oil like 'You there! Do you feel sluggish? Do you want to move more quickly, have more energy, or feel lighter than air? Yes? Then come this way...' You could style your film like an advert or information film. Likewise, if you imagine the crude oil are like army recruits being shouted at by an officer who wants to whip them into shape, where, instead of stuff like 'Give me 50 press-ups' it would be 'Turn the temperature up to 350!' and so on; my point being, if you can layer in an additional bit of narrative that fits neatly around your crude oil idea, it will give you lots of ways in re. narration, script-writing and additional bits of visual design. I'd say this is your next step - you've got your scenario, but you need that little bit of story (a simile) to give you everything else you're going to need to get this show on the road. That's the bit you should brainstorm right now. The key to this is simply looking for real-world scenarios when 'raw/unfit/unready/uncultivated' individuals go in one end of a process, and exit transformed with special skills/uses/applications - and then marry the two things up in your head.




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