
  1. OGR 21/11/2018

    Hey Liv - yes, I really like this new view - much more dynamic! You're pretty much good to go in design terms, but I still want to push you in terms of colour and materiality. I still think there's more to be understood about the surfaces of everything in your world; the way you like to paint is very blended and 'brushless' - but I'd really like to see you exploring greater distinctiveness between the different surfaces - so right now, the 'organic stuff' is exactly the same as everything else - a sort of smooth genericism that feels a bit tight and a bit 'stuck'. This view means we're looking at the earth, but 'the earth' is a dull mid-brown with nothing much going on. I'm going to suggest you look at 'crop circles' as chalk carvings as a means of adding further interest to this big element: I think you could look at some of Miro's signature shapes/lines/patterns and carve them into the floor plane, perhaps radiating out from the base of the trees or out from the central building - maybe those patterns derive from star constellations, but it absolutely needs something to ensure all that earth is earning its keep and is giving us more information about this world:


    Also... in terms of those 'realistic clouds' - here again, I'm getting a strong sense of your own 'style creep' - the way your existing painting style is creeping in, regardless of its suitability to your subject. Your actual world is graphical and quite 'cartoon-y' - so why should your clouds be so suddenly painterly? You 'like' or 'prefer' realistic clouds... but so what? Are they the right choice in relationship to everything else going on? I'm not sure they are.

    So - everything about this image is beginning to work and you're 90% there... but you need to crisp up your visual concept still further; you need to give all your surfaces more thought and you likewise need to accept/embrace that you've created a stylised world requiring greater stylisation... not less. Do that, and I think you're on the cusp of creating a fun and distinctive digital set!

    ... on a side note, let's see you keeping up with those reviews, Liv - get up-to-date now because you're going to need to use all the time available to you in the coming weeks. Don't underestimate what's in front of you and get all your weekly tasks done 'there and then'.


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